Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

It's the perfect time of year, and if you're carving pumpkins anyway then why not have a salty snack at the end of it all? I've been making these for a few years now, so I've learned some tricks along the way to make the process faster and easier.

Yesterday, the boys and I carved their pumpkins. We scraped out the insides, seeds, pulp, and all, and put it all in a big bowl. Then I preheated the oven while we finished carving the faces. Then I filled the big bowl of seeds/pulp with water about 3/4 full. The seeds should float to the top, leaving the pulp hovering underneath. You can skim the seeds out with your hands and put them in a colander to dry. And now you've passed the most tedious part! The rest is easy-peasy.

I carved two medium-sized pumpkins and had about 1 1/2 cups of seeds. I dumped them in a bowl, added olive oil, garlic powder, and salt. Then I mixed them up really well and spread them in a single layer on a parchment lined baking sheet. I popped them in the oven stirred them a few times throughout the roasting time, and there you have it! Enjoy your Fall treat and share with friends!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


  • 1 1/2 c pumpkin seeds, separated from pulp and air-dried
  • 1 T olive oil or vegetable oil
  • Salt, to taste
  • Garlic powder, to taste (optional)

* I have also made other versions of seasonings, to taste:

  • sugar, salt, and cayenne powder 
  • salt and pepper
  • whatever sounds tasty


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (I am in love with the Reynold's pre-cut parchment easy).
  2. Separate seeds from pulp. Fill bowl holding seeds/pulp with water. Scoop out seeds that have floated to the top and place in a colander to drain and dry a bit. 
  3. In a medium bowl, combine seeds, oil, salt, and garlic powder ( or whatever combination of flavors you choose). Mix thoroughly and pour onto baking sheet. Spread out seeds into a single layer. 
  4. Roast for 45 minutes, stirring the seeds every 15 minutes (this will ensure an even roasting). *Keep a closer eye on them if you choose to put sugar in your seasoning, as they may go from perfect to burned very quickly. 
  5. Remove from oven, let cool a bit and enjoy them warm or store in an air-tight container once cooled. 

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